Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grace in Small Things

Okay, I am grumpy this morning so it’s definitely time for GiST. Why so grumpy? I slept poorly due to the pain in my ass. Actually, my groin. This is going on 2-3 months of acute groin pain and I'm irritated.

I thought it was related to sciatic pain, which I’ve had plenty. But I cured that with this support belt (which I HIGHLY recommend - $37 at Jolly's). The one-sided nature of the pain suggests to me an actual groin pull, rather than, say, Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction. But what do I know. SPD could very well be one-sided. Whatever it is, it sucks and it’s starting to affect so much of what I need to do in a day (sleep, stand up, walk), all of my remedies aren't working (Acupuncture, Reflexology, stretching, plenty of rest) that I’m thinking it might be time visit the doctor?

Then I imagine the waiting room and her inevitable response (drugs) and I get grumpy.

Meanwhile, an attitude adjustment couldn’t hurt, right?
1. Wet cedar deck after the rain.
2. Trevor’s thumbs digging into tight shoulder muscles.
3. Brand new Honeybush Roiboos from Cuppa-T on 13th.
4. My sister getting much needed foot surgery today and choosing me to be the one to pick her up and get her home. I like being needed by someone who usually doesn’t need much.
5. The notion that I should make a batch of fresh muffins for when Naomi visits. Round two, this time with the required buttermilk.

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Blogger Eden ~ 9:01 AM

I missed muffins??

This groin pain... I had some the week before Edie arrived, and it hurt like a bugger, but I'm not sure what you mean by one-sided. Can you elucidate?

Maybe call Dr. M and see what the deal is with your referral...  

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