Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Over

Our Doulas, Sonya and Erin, came by tonight for our final debrief. Sonya tried to have this meeting a few weeks ago, but I was so raw, tired and defeated, so on the edge, I couldn't even talk. Trevor had to fill in the silences.

But tonight was a different night. It was happy, peaceful and conversational. I think I will always remember my labour and delivery with pangs of regret, but I never, ever regretted the team I chose. They were amazing, right down to Dr. GP and of course Dr. OB., my last minute surgeon.

As for the rest of it, I finally feel like I can let it all go. It should live only in anecdotes. It will no longer reduce me to silence or worse, inconsolable tears.

Meanwhile, there's this little boy who has no idea how he got here, but he definitely knows he's here, and that's all that matters. Right now he's upstairs sleeping peacefully in his cradle. I'll crawl into bed beside him, gaze a little at his sleeping face, which is just about the most adorable thing ever, and then hopefully we'll snore in unison well into the night.

posted by Working From Home Today
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Anonymous Anonymous ~ 10:54 PM

what a lovely sentiment to move you to the next phase of parenthood....


Anonymous Anonymous ~ 2:03 PM

Your comments brought tears to my eyes... I love the 3 of you so much..
Mom/Grandma Sue  

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