Sunday, July 19, 2009

GiST: Labour

Obviously the story didn't end there. I have so much to write of it. Some of it bad, some of it good, but with an important end result:

Macklin Bradley Peter Working. He's named for all four families. After 50 hours, he was born by c-section weighing 9 lbs 9 ounces. He emerged very healthy and screaming bloody murder. And I am so, so grateful for the following:

1. Labouring in my living room, grooving to my ipod, getting into the breathing zone. It felt exactly how I pictured labour would feel.
2. Sonya and Erin, the doulas who were there at the beginning and then stayed all 50 hours after things went sour. They massaged me, breathed with me, fed me water and then helped us make some very difficult decisions.
3. Dr. Baby Doctor, who supported my labour wishes for so long and who let me try, try, try again.
4. Trevor, who shone the most when I was at my absolute worst. And I mean, the worst. I'll never forget his face at that moment.
5. Dr. OB, a very likable Eastern European guy who actually said while I was on the operating table, "let's see if you've dilated any more. I'm not cutting if there's even a little chance you can do this on your own."
6. Our families. Even though I didn't need them to be in the immediate vicinity, I could feel that they were waiting and hoping and praying.
7. Bathtubs.
8. Ice chips.
9. Drugs.
10. Baby Mac. His heart rate never dipped dangerously, he was never in distress despite the hell I put him through. My tough little guy makes it all so worth it.

posted by Working From Home Today
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Blogger Family Compass ~ 3:10 PM

Chris and I just simultaneously "Awed" and teared up a little. We're so glad he's finally here!  

Blogger notquiteawake ~ 4:36 PM

I am so happy for and proud of you guys. I can't wait to meet him.  

Blogger Robin ~ 11:59 PM

Love this list. I'm sure an experience you'll never forget.  

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