Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1X365 Grace In Small Things

Well now this is a good idea. It's Schmutzie's brainchild and I like it. Good way to get back into this blogging thing.

This project is going to be a little difficult for me because it does not come naturally. Especially lately; I've been in the funk of all funks. Functioning, possibly too much functioning, and not happily. Wondering if most of my decisions in life aren't big, stinky ol' mistakes. Hence no writing.

But that woe-is-me stuff is so boring. The point is that I can't even remember the last happy or grateful thought I've had. That's just... sad. So this project is good.

1. My annual physical concluded with practically perfect results.

2. I have time for coffee with friends. Giving up my classes was a sad moment for me last week, but I really want to have dates with Trevor and coffee with my friends. So it's good.

3. Soda water. I love soda water, chilled, a little bit of lime.

4. The pattern the new shingles make on the roof of the new garage. My dad, uncle and their friend Nancy did most of the work, but I actually managed to perch myself on the peak to hand them shingles. It makes me feel like I did something. I also helped drill anchor studs and lift the walls into place. Something about this kind of work makes me happy. It's in my jeans (baggy and full of holes with just a hint of butt crack).

5. The way Trevor's hair is all unruly in the mornings. It makes me want to run my fingers through it and scrunch it all up to make it stand up even more. Today it tends rather eastward.

Man, this took me awhile. But it did not suck.

posted by Working From Home Today
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Blogger Elan Morgan ~ 9:12 AM

I started this particularly for us glass-is-half-full folk. I have struggled mightily with my first three lists. Only 362 to go!  

Blogger notquiteawake ~ 11:32 AM

Can we go for coffee then?  

Blogger Amalia ~ 5:21 PM

Yes! Are you free tonight? Possibly tomorrow night, too.  

Anonymous Anonymous ~ 9:42 PM

I loved it and I look forward to more...


Blogger notquiteawake ~ 12:33 PM

I am actually not free either night! Oh wait, tonight I'm free at about 7:30....that's Thursday.
If that works for you shoot me a email or text or something. Or you could call even!  

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