Friday, June 13, 2008
I was worried the MRI appointment would coincide with a day I'm supposed to be on set, or that it wouldn't be scheduled until well after I'm supposed to return to the prairies. So I was a bit nervous waiting for the letter that would determine my place in the lottery.
(Okay, truth be told I was nervous for half a day and then I kind of forgot about it. Apparently benign tumors don't hold my attention for very long) Suddenly, a letter. They don't call, they don't email, they don't text. They send an ol' fashioned letter in the mail.
And it turns out I needn't have worried: the appointment is scheduled to happen in two weeks. At 4:30 am. You read correctly. 4:30 in the morning. Yup, just me walking through downtown Toronto in the wee hours to get my MRI. When I am attacked and they bounce my skull off the pavement, how handy it'll be that I already have a scan booked.
(also handy that it won't mess with the shooting schedule)
Updated to add: Two! I have two MRI's! I thought it was a clerical error. It isn't. You know, I keep hearing how difficult it is to get an MRI in this country and I seem to have a bounty of them.
The second one is quite posh, though. It's a 5:30 am, so I get to sleep in. Which is nice. Cuz it's on a Sunday.
posted by Working From Home Today
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About James ~ 10:27 AM4:30 AM is the peak time for random shootings in Toronto. They says there's a one in eighteen chance you'll be hit by stray bullets at that time of the morning. Try and get shot before your MRI so they can see where it's lodged.
~ 10:33 AMOh, Suck it up princess! You have Krav training and will be just fine! I am glad to hear it is happening sooner than later - if you lived in Sask. the letter would have read two weeks from now, 2009!
About James ~ 11:38 AMThat's a lot of radiation. What can a second MRI do that the first wouldn't? I'm no doctor. Actually, I'm not a lot of things...
Unknown ~ 1:08 PMHoney, I must ask you this: are you going to be wearing underwear under your paper skirt in the MRI? Should you wash them before the second one?About James ~ 9:35 PM~ 10:25 PMpost a comment ~ Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom] ~ main page |