Friday, April 06, 2007

G'night Already

“Tell me a bedtime story.”
“No! I’m tired.”
“You’re just being lazy.”
“Yes. Mentally lazy.”
“That’s why it’s called going to sleep.”
“Come on.”
“There once was a boy named Trevor who was going to sleep.”
“No, no, no, I’ll give you a word. And you have to use the word in your story.”
“Kay, what’s the word.”
“Okay. There once was a young boy named Trevor who crawled into bed with his wife—“
“He was young and he had a wife?”
“He married young but his wife aged him so he looked older than he actually was. So he crawled into bed with his wife, pulled the covers up to his chin, looked over at the clock and said, ‘kumquat’er to six, I’m gonna get up.”
“I totally didn’t see that coming.”

posted by Working From Home Today
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