Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heat Wave

The sun is just coming up over the neighbour’s house, illuminating a red spider that built a web across our window. I watched it take down a fly. Now it is happily sucking out the fly’s juicy innards. I’m only assuming it’s happy because it’s going at it with the kind of focus I show to the first coffee of the day.

The clock reads 7:11 AM. I’ve already walked Charlie. Going outside at 6:00 AM was like walking into a wet sheet. CBC says the humidex is already above 40. Extreme heat warnings. The air conditioner reads 73 degrees. It’s blowing actual mist. There has been a permanent sweat at my hairline and down my back for three days now.

Today is a day for slow thinking and smooth, planned actions, people. Drink plenty of fluids.

The spider’s had its fly. I'm off to have my coffee.

posted by Working From Home Today
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