Saturday, July 08, 2006

Like A Long Awaited Belch

Aleksi showed up around 11AM. I wasn’t looking forward to it. I almost called it off so many times. I knew for a fact I had nothing in me. I was going to fake it all day. Trev made himself scarce, likely for his own protection.

We stalled for at least 40 minutes, talking about how screwed up we are that we can’t even do the littlest bit on a daily basis. We desperately want to, but we can’t. Or don’t. Whatever – the end result is the same. Nothing.

When there was nothing more to say, he slipped off his digital watch, pushed a few buttons and said, “Go.”

To the hum of the air conditioner, we wrote in five-minute spurts. Then ten. Then fifteen. All day. “Again?” he’d ask. “Let’s do it,” I’d say, sometimes already busy scribbling away. We were using pens and paper. Next week, we’ll try this on laptops. You know, to judge the momentum.

Today, I put in three, count them THREE! solid hours of writing. Oh yes. My notebook is half full and my finger is bruised. For the first time in months, all is right with my little world because for once, I got a different end result. And it is freakin’ refreshing.

posted by Working From Home Today
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Blogger Eden ~ 11:23 AM

I know all about the long-awaited belch. And the long-awaited fart.  

Blogger Elan Morgan ~ 3:06 PM

What was that exercise all about?  

Blogger Amalia ~ 3:15 PM

My friend / fellow writing club member and I were sick of complaining that we want to write and mean to write, but ultimately never write.

We figured the only way for less whining and more writing was if we sat across the table from each other in total silence and had a stop watch. Turns out it works.  

Anonymous Anonymous ~ 12:22 PM

We should do it again.


And frequently.  

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