Thursday, July 27, 2006


WORKING: Did you read the part about going to get my hair cut soon?
TREV: no
WORKING: Well, now you know.
TREV: you're getting a haircut today?
WORKING: Yup. And a dye job. Gave you seen my roots lately?
WORKING: Terrible.
TREV: bah
WORKING: Okay, I gotta boogie. I must shower.
TREV: so what time will I see you?
WORKING: 7pm'ish?
WORKING: What do you want for dinner?
TREV: I have no clue. Chicken I guess
WORKING: I was thinking kabobs. With that peanut sauce.?
TREV: do I need to pick some up?
WORKING: No, I'll get it on my way home. I have to get stamps anyway. Lots and lots and lots of stamps....
TREV: ha...true
WORKING: Okay, I have to shower NOW. BRB.
TREV: ok

* * *
WORKING: I'm back. Fresh as a daisy.
WORKING: Are daisies really so fresh? I mean, they grow in dirt and dogs pee on them.
TREV: I guess they just look fresh. People always say, "oh look, fresh daisies."
TREV: you could say "fresh as a skinned dear"
TREV: fresh as a head wound
TREV: skinned deer, I meant.
TREV: what a way to wreck a joke
TREV: I was gonna go on, but I ruined it

posted by Working From Home Today
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