Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tommy D. vs. Arcade Fire

WORKING: This is either funny or just stupid: CBC Story
TREV: Ha! I'll bet it’s all [DELETED]’s fault.
TREV: Know what I've come to realize today?
TREV: I don't think I like Arcade Fire.
TREV: Every time one of their songs comes on my iTunes, I get annoyed half way through.
WORKING: Really?
WORKING: That's perfectly okay.
WORKING: Though, maybe we should keep it just between us....

posted by Working From Home Today
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Blogger Eden ~ 10:48 PM

My vote is for "stupid". They obviously have no idea how much historical inaccuracy is taught in schools.

What gets me is the SK party trying to get the NDP to apologize for the film because they gave it a grant. I hope no one asks them to apologize for Dan's portrayal of the Balinese in his thesis, given he got a grant for that.  

Blogger palinode ~ 2:56 AM

Apparently Arcade Fire's label has stopped distributing the album because of emotional/mythological inaccuracies in several tracks.  

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