Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Extra Layer of Grease

Work-wise, it’s been a taxing day. I feel like I’m wearing a layer of uncomfortable, sticky grease made up of disappointment, frustration and desperation. A nagging worry about 'us' for no good reason other than I’ve been immersed in really horrible relationship stories all day. Break ups. Divorce. Financial chaos. Heart conditions.

My mom is / was a social worker. I think she said it was hard to leave it at work. Or maybe I just assumed it was.

Anyway, I’m going to go take a shower and remember that everything is actually more than all right. (Knock on wood)

posted by Working From Home Today
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Blogger About James ~ 5:32 PM

Well, some of us don't know how good we have it. Today my basement flooded because the sump pump float got jammed and my hot water heater is destroyed.

Second time in a year and it's a costly fix. You don't know how much you miss hot water until it's gone. I bathed in the pool with the heater turned up as the rain poured down from the sky. Felt good though. Warm is better than cold, but not as good as hot. And you know how I have a hot shower ten times a day.  

Anonymous Anonymous ~ 7:19 PM

Despite your 'us' worry, I can assure you that Trevor and I do NOT go to Vegas for the whores.

We go for $6.99 shrimp and tenderloin buffet.

And the whores.  

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