Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I Sounded the Alarm... Again...

I can’t believe I did it again.

In my defense, that Tarot card reader I saw last week mentioned (shoved in there with a million other things she said, including “a blond man will show up on your doorstep and announce his feelings for you") that there was going to be a fire.

And when the two guys pounded on our door last night and said, “your house is on fire!” the first thing I thought was, holy crap, that Tarot lady was right.

Then of course I ran to check out this fire, which was actually a whole lot of stinky smoke seeping out of either the neighbour’s house or ours. “Are you going to call 9-1-1?” the guy called out.
“Yes!” I yelled back and ran into the kitchen and in my typical calm fashion, said (calmly), “hangupthephonetrevorNOWtheresafire!” Which Trevor did. I called 9-1-1, thinking oh my, this is getting familiar.

See, it’s my third time in about a year and a half. The first time the element in the oven was on fire. I didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t find the breaker. I pictured the bright, electrical flame inching its way to the end, to the hole in the back of the stove, where it would enter the wall and start burning down the house. Trevor was in Regina at the time so I called him. “trevortheresafireintheovenIhavetocallthefiredepartmentgoodbyeCLICK.” The nice firemen showed me that the breaker is in a separate panel.

The second time was just last summer when the carbon monoxide detector went off. I was stripping the paint off a door. The nice firemen confirmed that indeed, fumes can set off the detector.

This time Trevor, our upstairs neighbour and I stood on the deck as once again the sirens came from all directions. By this time, the smoke had been replaced with steam that was obviously coming out of the neighbour’s dryer exhaust.
“It wasn’t like that five minutes ago!” I said to the 5 or 6 confused firemen, “ask that guy….” I looked around. The guy who had sounded the alarm was gone.
“Are you sure?” the fireman said.
“Yes. It was smoke.”
“Well, there’s nothing there now.” The nice firemen told us it could have been the neighbour’s high efficiency furnace belching something out. I think they were just being nice.

I don’t know what it is about fires and me. But if you suspect a fire, call me up and I’ll raise the alarm for you. Guaranteed the nice firemen will show up to find absolutely nothing

posted by Working From Home Today
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