Sunday, November 20, 2005

The House Is Clean, Let's Socialize.

My friend Nonitucker laments the demise of the social call. It got me thinking.

Trev and I only invite people over when our house is clean, top to bottom, which is rare. It’s a small space with two animals and, well, me, so ‘messy’ is more like ‘Disaster Zone.’ It’s like that more often than not. So we don’t often have people over.

I remember my parents used to throw parties and there were always people coming over to visit. My mom was a homemaker at the time, though I’m not sure if she had more time than I do considering that she had 5 kids to wrangle. At least she knew how to get organized - I think she usually had stuff in the fridge and made things from scratch. I haven’t developed that skill. It took us all day yesterday to get the place back up to hygienic levels. We are going to someone else’s house for supper and we’re scrambling to make a green salad….

I don’t need much as a guest. I know I’d be happy with a place to sit, maybe chips, conversation and some wine. But as a host this isn’t good enough. It’s gotta be 10 hours of cleaning and $100 in groceries. And if someone does catch a glimpse of the much-less-than-perfection that often abounds behind our front door, I find myself apologizing profusely.

I think it’s because I watched HGTV that one time.

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