Friday, October 28, 2005

This Week

- I hired a new Researcher two provinces away. He just emailed me a picture of himself because the virtual boss-employee thing was too weird.

- I finished Confederacy of Dunces and started Anansi Boys. These were both books I really liked by the first paragraph.

- Charlie had an incident where her tear duct? Polyp? Cancerous tumor? bulged out from under her eyeball. In a panic, and moaning about the cost of taking her to the vet again, I tore apart the medicine cupboard looking for some old drops from the last infection. Upon finding them, I turned back to her and she was sitting there, staring at me quizzically, her eye perfectly normal. A brief examination of the area on her and around her revealed no clues. I still expect to vacuum up a small tumor this weekend.

- Coronation Street is getting good this week. We know because we cheated and looked at the UK websites, where ‘Corrie’ is almost a half year ahead of us.

- Trevor reminded me I’m in serious danger of entering ‘panic mode’ on my sister’s wedding video, which we’re supposed to have assembled by mid-December. He’s right – panic is how I usually finish important projects. Trevor doesn’t do things that way and since he’s heavily involved in the editing process, in that he’s doing it, I decided to start getting around to it.

- I dug into a closet I haven’t looked at since I arrived in TO almost two years ago. Out came a pair of jeans that were brand new 2 ½ years ago, presumably the last time I could possibly have worn them. I’ve grown in so many ways. Should I tape them to the wall beside the mirror or just let them go?

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Anonymous Anonymous ~ 7:04 PM

I thought about applying for that researcher position. How would I have stacked up?  

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