Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Muscles located in the Lost and Found

I finally did it. I found a great school. Actually, my Naturopath told me about it so the discovery came kind of easily. But it took two years to meet Dr. S, so it’s been a long, long road.

It was a dark and stormy night. Actually, that came later. It was lovely early evening. I found the modest storefront on Queen E., walked through a door and found myself in a hallway. So I backed out and found the proper door on the other side of the storefront, which led to a foyer overlooking two classrooms. One was full of spinning bikes the other full of Asian-Canadian girls lifting weights. The teacher, a rather nice looking man, waved me in and I shyly sat on the edge of the couch and took in the action. All the movements looked v. familiar. Some of the girls were complaining good-naturedly but the class is obviously effective, if muscle definition is any indication. Holy crap.

Soon I was in the converted garage taking my first ever Muay Thai Fitness class. I quickly got a sense of the deterioration of my fitness level. I struggled to ‘climb the mountain’ and during the skipping part, I thought my whole body was going to jiggle up out of the neck of my t-shirt. Oh, it’s been a long, long time.

Two hours later, I was a flat on the ground, drenched, lungs somewhere back there under the hanging bag kind of DONE. I hung around to talk to the instructor. I told him my Naturopath sent me. "Dr. S!" He said, "how is she doing? Did she tell you we went to highschool together?"
We had a great conversation and I got a sense of their teaching philosphy and class structure. He and his wife are incredibly fit and talented fighters and teachers, but really down to earth. They want to run the business like a cooperative. No ego, just a genuine love for what they do. I can see why Dr. S said she felt like she was sharing one of Toronto's best kept secrets.

As I stepped out into the now dark and stormy night to catch my bus, I just knew I'd be back tomorrow. Provided I could walk.

posted by Working From Home Today
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Anonymous Anonymous ~ 9:08 AM

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Blogger Unknown ~ 11:09 AM

Sounds like a lot of fun... Sometime I'll have to find a class like that. Have you seen the movie Ong-Bak? It's about a Muay Thai fighter and I enjoyed it very much... Maybe you would too!  

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